Be still my beating heart, you can now make GIFs directly from YouTube!!!
Dreams DO come true. This feature isn’t live on every channel, but luckily It’s Okay To Be Smart is one of the first to test this new feature from YouTube.
If you want to make a GIF of a video, here’s what you do:
You can find this feature on lots of our favorite channels, so if you’ll excuse me I have some GIFs to go make.
Share your creations with me by tagging them with #itsokaytobesmart or hollerin’ at me on Twitter!
Here’s a much shorter version of last night’s Bill Nye vs. Ken Ham evolution vs. creationism debate, or maybe every evolution vs. creationism debate, from Beatrice the Biologist (She is also on Tumblr! Her comics are awesome and sciencey, so go check them out!)
Everyone just needs to stop arguing, because evolution is here to stay. People need to explore ways to make evolution fit alongside their beliefs, not instead of them. And then we need to all go get some yogurt.
Rose Eveleth has a great story (and some awkward old videos) over at Smithsonian that asks why Americans love watching celebrities debate about evolution. We’ve been doing it for decades, and it’s not helping.